NAWIC NWA – Breakfast & Blueprints
High Jackson 5201 W. Village Parkway, Rogers, AR, United StatesCome join us for a light breakfast and an interactive blueprint workshop led by NAWIC Chapter Members Gail Shepherd & Cori Miller!Please join us (and bring a friend or colleague) …
NAWIC NWA Women in Construction Week Walk/Run
Lake Atalanta East of Downtown Rogers on Walnut Street, Rogers, AR, United StatesAs part of Women in Construction Week (WIC Week), we are hosting a walk/run around Lake Atalanta. BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS SUNDAY TO HELP US KICK OFF WIC WEEK …
NAWIC NWA – WIC Week Kick Off Breakfast
Stribling Equipment 3838 Wagon Wheel Road, Springdale, AR, United StatesCome join us for a catered breakfast to kickoff Women in Construction Week! Please join us (and bring a friend or colleague) for a caterered breakfast to kickoff Women in …
NAWIC NWA WIC Week Lazy Susan Build
NWACC Integrated Design Lab 1201 SE Eagle Way, Bentonville, AR, United StatesAnother way our chapter is giving back to the NWA community is our second annual Lazy Susan Charity Build. As our event sponsor, Crossland Construction is providing the materials our …
NAWIC NWA WIC Week Luncheon – Leading the Way in Construction
Northwest Arkansas Community College 1000 SE Eagle Way, Shewmaker for Workforce Technologies Room C115, Bentonville, AR, United StatesCome join us for a luncheon to hear from Jill Dabbs from the Downtown Springdale Alliance ! : : WIC Week Luncheon : : Please join us (and bring a …
**URGENT** NAWIC NWA WIC Week Boys & Girls Club Food Pantry Build
Boys & Girls Club of Rogers 408 S 8th St, Rogers, AR, United StatesURGENT NEED: We need 10-12 volunteers for this event and we need the Background Check form attached to this event to be completed and emailed to the chapter email address …
NAWIC NWA WIC Week Jobsite Tour & Happy Hour
Johnson Square - Tour Starts at RMP Law Patio 5519 Hackett Rd., Springdale, AR, United States***HAPPY HOUR RELOCATED FROM ORIGINAL INVITATION: New Happy Hour location will be Wood Stone Pizza's Uptown Fayetteville location at 3619 Mall Ave., and food will be INCLUDED.*** To celebrate the end …
NAWIC Chapter Meeting for September – Wed. Sept. 9th
Join us Wed. Sept. 9th @ noon to listen to Carrie Wilson discuss ways to increase your chances of long-term financial success! ZOOM MEETING INFOFOR SEPTEMBER NAWIC MEETINGJoin Zoom Meeting: …
NAWIC October Meeting – Wed Oct. 14th
Crossland Construction Company, Inc 1800 South 52nd Street, Ste. 410, Rogers, AR, United StatesHelp us assemble lazy susans for the local MS Society!! Join us Wednesday, October 14th at Crossland Construction to help us finish the assembly of the lazy susans built during …
NAWIC November Meeting – Wed. Nov. 11th
Are you ready to close the gap between dreaming and doing? Are you doing so much you have lost hope in your dream? Are you ready to take back your …